Opening Time : AM 10:00~ PM 8:30 -------------- Open Days : Tuesday ~ Sunday TEL: 04-3 3 5 8 0 4 2 ----- Mob : 056 347 8140 Location : In front of Lamcy Plaza “SALEH BIN Building Shop No. 8” Dubai UAE

My love customers ..

My love customers..
The interior construction finished 90 %.
If you wait a little longer, we'll be able to meet you.

I have wanted to remodeling my shop again for a long time.
But, I was worried and afraid, so I postponed delaying and delaying it.
I finally started the construction last month.
Someone said it will be finished by ten days. 
Unfortunately something unexpected problem happens, we stopped construction.
It was so painful and I cried and cried because of the unresolved problem.
Twenty days after closing the door, we were able to start construction again.

Now, the construction is almost finished, and we're leaving the final step.
I pray that I shall meet you soon as possible more than anyone else after finish the last step of the final inspection. 
Please pray for me and my shop.

It's 10 years since I opened our shop in November this year.

For ten years,
Although the shop is a small and unpleasant facility,
I tried to do my best to my customers  as I am representing Koreans.
And many customers have loved our shop for a long time.
Thank you very much for your love.

I will always be the Korean beauty salon doing my best.

    Owner Anna_ Minjoo Park

나의 사랑하는 고객님들
인테리어 공사가 90%끝났습니다.
조금만 더 기다려주시면 만날수 있을것입니다.

저는 오래전부터 우리샵을 다시 예쁘게 리모델링하고 싶었습니다.그러나 걱정되고 두려워 감히 시도하지 못하고 미루고 미루다가 용기를 내어 시작하였습니다.
누군가가 10일정도이면 끝날것이라고 하여 시작하였는데,
생각지 못한 문제가 발생하여 공사를 중단했다가, 문 닫은지 20일 후에야 다시 공사를  시작할수 있었습니다.
풀리지 않는 문제에 속상해서 얼마나 많이 울었는지~~
이제 거의 공사는 끝났고 마지막 단계인 검사를 남겨두고 있습니다.
하루 빨리 검사까지 잘 마치고 여러분을 다시 뵙기를 누구보다도 간절히 바라고 있습니다.
여러분도 같이 기도해주세요.

올해 11월이면 우리 샵을 오픈한지 딱 10년입니다.
10년동안 비록 샵은 작고 좋지 않은 시설이지만
한국인을 대표한다는 마음으로 고객분들께 최선을 다하려고 노력했고
많은 고객분들이 오랜시간동안 저희 샵을 사랑해주셨습니다.
크신 여러분의 사랑에 정말 감사드립니다.

항상 최선을 다하는 코리안뷰티살롱이 되도록 노력하겠습니다.

      박민주 Anna





               Anna 朴敏珠 ( 韩国人 )

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under interior construction (Interior decoration ) now .
But it takes longer than I thought.
It is too hard for me to do something new in Dubai alone.
Everything goes too slowly and too difficult.

I am so sorry for those who love our salon.
So I prepared an event.
After the opening, you can use this coupon for a month.
Please pray for our shop to open soon. 
Thank you very much. 
I'll meet you with  a brand new look.

The new open date will be notified  this website and  Facebook.

I'm missing you already.

               - owner ANNA